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Lapidary Facacing Head Mast Arm

Lapidary and Faceting Equipment
Lapidary  Faceting Equipment

Lapidary Gemstone Jade Εργαλεία κοσμήματος Όπλων μηχανών όπλων Μηχανικός βραχίονας όψης πολύτιμων λίθων Κεφαλή στίλβωσης πολύτιμων λίθων: πολύτιμων λίθων Μηχανή όψης λείανσης Πολύπλευρος χειριστής Κοσμήματα κεφαλής παιχνιδιού γωνιακή επίπεδη μύλο στίλβωση πέτρινες γωνίες 96 τροχούς δεικτών, είναι πλήρης σετ όπως παρακάτω στην πρώτη εικόνα, η επιλογή είναι για επιλογή ο βαθμός.

Νέος ιστός μηχανής Faceting, We Assembly με ρύθμιση πορείας και λεπτού ύψους και 96 δείκτης. Ο ιστός έχει ύψος 11 "και το συγκρότημα πέλματος έχει μήκος 7 1/4 ίντσες και δέχεται ραβδιά 6 mm. Πολλές χιλιάδες πέτρες κόβονται εμπορικά κάθε μέρα με αυτόν τον τύπο βαρέως τύπου και εύκολο στη χρήση μηχανή. Αυτή είναι η μηχανή που είναι χρησιμοποιείται για την κοπή των καλύτερης ποιότητας εμπορικών λίθων.

Για κοπή εμπορικής παραγωγής ή για χόμπι ή για αυτό το δώρο αποφοίτησης για την κόρη σας και το δώρο επετείου για τη γυναίκα, αυτό είναι ένα εξαιρετικό προσιτό μηχάνημα. Αυτό το μηχάνημα δεν συνοδεύεται από κινητήρα ή βάση, απαιτεί τη μηχανοκίνητη βάση σας.


  1. Accuracy and Precision: A high-quality mast arm ensures precise and accurate adjustments for cutting angles and facet alignments. This precision is critical in achieving desired gemstone cuts and angles.

  2. Stability and Rigidity: It should offer stability and rigidity to maintain consistent cutting and polishing actions, preventing unnecessary movement or vibrations during the faceting process.

  3. Smooth Adjustments: The ease of adjustments, rotation, and angular movements is crucial. A well-designed mast arm allows for smooth and controlled movements, enabling lapidarists to make minute alterations for fine cuts.

  4. Compatibility and Versatility: Performance includes compatibility with different faceting machine models and versatility to accommodate various gemstone shapes and sizes, supporting different facets and cuts.

  5. Durability and Longevity: A durable mast arm, constructed from quality materials, ensures longevity and resilience against regular use and wear, sustaining its performance over time.

  6. Ergonomics: Comfort and usability are essential. An ergonomic design provides ease of use, reducing fatigue during extended faceting sessions.

  7. Supports Faceting Process: Ultimately, the mast arm's performance is evaluated by its ability to support and enhance the entire gemstone faceting process, from initial rough shaping to final polishing, contributing to the overall quality of the finished gemstone.


  1. Precise Gemstone Faceting: The mast arm holds the faceting head, which allows for precise positioning and alignment during the cutting and polishing process of gemstones.

  2. Adjustability: It offers adjustability and control over the angle, rotation, and orientation of the gemstone being cut or polished.

  3. Faceting Machine Integration: It integrates with a faceting machine's main body, facilitating the movement and manipulation of the gemstone against the grinding and polishing wheels.

  4. Support for Various Cuts: Enables the creation of different facets and shapes on gemstones, allowing lapidarists to achieve various cuts like brilliant cuts, step cuts, or specialty cuts.

  5. Faceting Precision: Maintains the necessary stability and rigidity to ensure accuracy and precision in cutting angles and facet alignments.

  6. Facilitates Faceting Process: Provides the necessary support and structure for lapidary artisans to carry out the entire faceting process effectively, from rough shaping to final polishing.

In essence, the Lapidary Faceting Head Mast Arm is an essential part of a faceting machine, enabling lapidary artists to execute intricate and precise cuts, enhancing the brilliance and beauty of gemstones.

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Q: How do you use a diamond pad?

A diamond hand pad is a handheld abrasive tool with a flexible surface coated with diamond particles. It is used for grinding, smoothing, and polishing various materials, including stone, concrete, glass, and metal.

Q: How do I choose the right grit size for my project?

Select the grit size based on the initial condition of your workpiece and the desired level of surface finish. Coarse grits are suitable for rough grinding, while finer grits are used for smoothing and polishing.

Q: What safety precautions should I take when using diamond hand pads?

Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and gloves to protect yourself from dust and debris. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator if working with fine dust particles.

Q: How do I maintain and clean my diamond hand pad?

After use, rinse the diamond hand pad with clean water to remove debris and residues. Gently pat it dry or allow it to air dry. Proper maintenance can prolong the pad's lifespan.

Q: What are some common applications for diamond hand pads?

Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and gloves to protect yourself from dust and debris. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator if working with fine dust particles.

Q: What are the common grit sizes for diamond hand pads?

Diamond hand pads come in a range of grit sizes, from coarse (e.g., 50 grit) to fine (e.g., 3000 grit). The choice of grit depends on the specific task, with coarser grits used for material removal and finer grits for polishing.

Q: Do I need to use water or lubricant with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, using water or a specific lubricant is often necessary. It helps keep the surface cool, prevents overheating, and improves the effectiveness of the diamond particles in grinding and polishing. Some materials require dry grinding, so it's essential to check the manufacturer's recommendations.

Q: Can I use a diamond hand pad for dry grinding and wet grinding?

The suitability of a diamond hand pad for dry or wet grinding depends on the material and the pad itself. Some diamond hand pads are designed for wet use, while others are suitable for dry grinding. Check the manufacturer's specifications for guidance.

Q: Can diamond hand pads be used on curved or irregular surfaces?

Yes, diamond hand pads are versatile and can be used on flat, curved, or irregular surfaces. Their flexibility allows for contouring and shaping of various workpieces.

Q: Can I achieve a high-polish finish with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, with the right technique and progression through finer grits, you can achieve a high-polish finish on various materials using diamond hand pads. The finest grits are typically used for the polishing stage.

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